Example Solar System

The following table uses the Sol system to provide an example of interplanetary distances in AU from the Sun, all the way out through the various planets, the Kuiper Belt, the Oort Cloud, and the closest star, Proxima Centauri.

Distance from Sol


Mercury 0.4

Venus 0.7

Earth 1

Mars 1.5

Ceres 2.8

Jupiter 5.2

Saturn 9.6

Uranus 19

Neptune 30

Pluto 40

Kuiper Belt 52

Oort Cloud 75,000

Proxima Centauri 268,000

The distances to objects orbiting a star are average distances, and highly eliptical orbits can cause large variations. Additionally, the distance between two locations in a star system varies as both orbit the star. At times, they may be on opposite sides of the star, greatly increasing the straight-line distance between them (which would be equal to the combined distance of each from the star itself), and at other times they will be on the same side of the star.

Assuming both locations are on the same side of the star, to determine the distance between any two simply deduct one from the other.

If they are on opposite sides of the star, add the two distances together.

For ease-of-play, GMs should feel free to simply use the above average figure rather than track the orbital positions of every body in a star system.