
Magic in the WOIN RPG uses a “verb-noun” system that allows magic-users to devise and cast spells on the fly. For example, a spellcaster might use evoke (verb) fire (noun) to throw a bolt of fire at a foe. The verbs are known as skills, and the nouns are known as secrets. The spellcaster can combine any skills and secrets she knows to cast a spell—enchant beast, move metal, create water, abjure undead, and so on. There are, of course, rules which govern exactly how that spell can manifest itself in terms of range, duration, targets, and other rule mechanics; but the spellcasting system as a whole is incredibly flexible and allows for a vast range of combinations and possibilities limited only by the magic-user’s imagination.

Anybody Can Cast Spells

Magic use isn’t limited solely to specialized spellcasters. While someone who devotes their life to the mage, druid, or other magical careers will undoubtedly far outweigh others in terms of ability, a farmhand can mutter an incantation to help with the crops, a knight can whisper a prayer asking for his god’s guidance, and a woodsman may know a minor healing spell.

Anybody with the appropriate skill or secret can use a cantrip (a spell with a cost of 0 MP) even if they have no MAGIC attribute; and anybody can have a MAGIC attribute even if they have never taken a magical career.