
These sentient clockwork people tick quietly, an unnerving noise audible to those who stand close to them. Made completely of clockwork, their bodies are filled with cogs and gears, and they move with a certain stiffness, their faces stuck in a single expression.

A technically proficient scavenger race, Clockfolk have the unnerving ability to use their surroundings to repair themselves. Damage a Clockfolk, and it might pick up a nearby knife or fork, spare part, or random trinket and use it to replace a damaged component. They can even use organic “components,” with the result that some look particularly gruesome.

Clockfolk are generally uncomfortable with chaos and disorder. In a hierarchy, they need to know the exact structure and their place within it, and will not deviate from that chain, for good or ill. Even simply entering an untidy room will distress a Clockfolk, who will likely begin tidying it up immediately. If they find broken objects, they feel the need to repair them. For obvious reasons, this also makes Clockfolk excellent non-magical healers.


Size/Type: Medium automaton (humanoid)

Attributes: STR +1, LOG +2, WIL +2

Skill Choices: engineering, astronomy, law, history, medicine
