Magical Glossary

The language you use to talk about and define magic is a powerful influence over its flavor in your game. Whether magic is referred to by its practitioners as “Wizardry” or their “Art,” or whether Magic Points are known as mana, energy, faith, or stamina, this terminology helps form our image of how magic is seen and how it works in the world.

Below you will find WOIN’s default terminology.

Art. This is the practice of magic. It is always referred to with an upper-case “A.”

Career. Magical careers are areas of study or domain; while WOIN’s core assumption is that there is but one Art, it can be accessed in different ways by different careers.

Magic Points. Magic points, or MP, are the expendable reservoir from which a magic-user draws magical power. A magic-user’s total MP is equal to three times her Magic attribute.

Magic Skills. Magic skills include types of magic such as abjuration, summoning, healing, and so on. Not only do these skills grant access to specific forms of magic, but higher ranks in those skills grant access to more complex and powerful enhancements.

Magic-User. This is a practitioner of magic, whether a studious mage, a devout cleric, a foul necromancer, or a nature-loving druid.

Secrets. Secrets are the keys to “things” in the world. The secret of fire, for example, gives you access to fire magic. Careers grant specific secrets. Secrets are like true names, and are sometimes referred to as such; once you know the true name, or secret, of an element or creature, you gain power over it.

Spellcraft. Spellcraft is the academic understanding of magic. It is not the use of magic itself; it is knowledge about magic, its history, its signs, and so on. Spellcraft is a category including a number of magic skills (see above).