Area of Effect

When making an area of attack roll, the attacker designates the area to be affected and then makes a single attack roll which is applied against the DEFENCE of all targets within that area. Area attacks are most often made against VITAL DEFENCE.


Bursts are usually described in terms of distance from the target square. The below diagram shows a 10’ burst, which is one which affects everything within 10’ of (and including) the target square.


A line covers all squares in a straight line out to one range increment from the weapon. Any creatures in any of those squares is subjected to an attack by the weapon. A 30’ line is illustrated below. The line can also be a diagonal, with each diagonal square counting as 5’. Lines limit the range of a weapon to one range increment.


A cone covers an area directly adjoining the weapon. A 20’ cone is illustrated to the right; the 20’ refers to the distance the cone emanates from the weapon. Cone areas limit the range of a weapon to one range increment.