LUCK is a special attribute. It is used as a replenishable resource which can modify other die rolls and perform special actions. It represents luck, fate, chance, destiny faith, divine favor, karma, and more. Luck can be interpreted in any way by characters and creatures who use it. For some, it is merely coincidence and serendipity; for others it represents cool and mojo; while for still others it may be divine in origin, representing faith and blessings. However the character interprets the concept of luck, it is used in the same way.

Each player should form a LUCK dice pool.  As dice are used from the LUCK pool, simply discard them.  LUCK can be used to:

LUC dice can only be used within an encounter; you cannot use LUC dice during downtime, or on daily checks. And the GM should disallow the use of LUC if she feels that a player is simply blowing all their LUCk on a check because it’s the only one they’ll make that day. In game terms, being able to invest all your LUC in one go makes sense only if you’ve had, or will have, a number of other chances to be unlucky in the day (you’ve either saved up a lucky moment or will have a chance to “pay it back”).

Exploding Dice

LUCK dice "explode".  This means that whenever a 6 is rolled, the die is rolled again and the new roll added to the original 6.  This process is repeated if subsequent 6s are rolled. It is recommended that LUCK dice be a different color to other dice so that they can be easily distinguished.


The Leadership exploit allows you to donate your LUC dice to others. Without this exploit, you may only spend LUC on yourself. Characters with the Leadership exploit may donate one or more of their available LUC dice to another character as a free reaction to their attempting an attribute check. You must declare this before the ally rolls their check.

Replenishing LUCK

Once per day, a character may replenish his LUCK pool. Some careers or traditions allow for an additional replenishment; these do not stack, and you cannot gain more than one additional daily replenishment.

Other Uses of LUCK

Other uses of LUCK manipulate situations where the odds are normally even.