Eras of Play

The core rules of What’s OLD is NEW deal with three broad eras. While these can be broken down into numerous smaller ages, this is not necessary to play the game.

Each of the three standalone books, O.L.D., N.O.W., and N.E.W., presents a single era in detail.

Archaic.  This era covers the stone age, all the way through medieval times, up to the rennaissance and introduction of early firearms. It features swords, elves, and dragons.  It is covered in detail in O.L.D. which focuses on medieval fantasy.

Modern. This era broadly covers the 20th and early 21st century. It features martial arts action heroes, tricked out vehicles, superspies, and ninjas. It is covered in detail in N.O.W. which focuses on 80s-style contemporary action.

Future.  This era covers anything beyond the present day. It features starships, laser swords, blasters, and psionics.  It is covered in detail in N.E.W. which focuses on galactic exploration, colonization, and conflict.

A game setting can be based on one of these three eras, or it can mix and match to put wizards on starships.  In terms of what technology to include, the default rule (unless the setting says otherwise) is that any technology from an earlier era is available in a later era at double the price, and that technology from a later era is not available in a previous era.  These items are designated archaic, modern, and future in this rules reference document.

The three supernatural elements - magic, chi, and psionics, can each be included in any of these eras.

Advancement Level

0. Stone Age

Spears, axes, basic tools.

0.5. Bronze Age

Irrigation, chariots, bronze weapons, shields, ancient history.

1. Iron Age

Swords, metal tools.

2. Medieval Age

Windmills, horseshoes, crop rotation, compasses, crossbows.

3. Renaissance Age

Muskets, clocks, telescopes, lenses, printing press.

4. Industrial Age

Early automobiles.

4.5 Information Age

Early computers, car phones, jets.

5. Digital Age

Electronics, computers, satellites, automobiles, aircraft, nuclear weapons

5.5. Quantum Age

Flying cars, internal electronics, super computers.

6. Fusion Age

Invisible wearable tech, genetic engineering, solar system colonization.

7. Energy Age

Energy weapons, nearby star systems explored.

8. Superluminal Age

Early FTL travel; burgeoning multi-system government.

9. Stellar Age

Advanced FTL travel; galactic exploration; thousands of colonies; transporters.

10. Galactic Age

Very advanced FTL; dyson spheres and ringworlds; full galactic colonization; basic time travel.

11. High Galactic Age

Multiple galaxies colonized and explored.

12. Universal Age

Advanced time travel; black hole power systems; universal colonization.

13. High Universal Age

Ability to restructure or move entire galaxies; control of dark matter.

14. Dark Energy Age

Can survive, prevent, or cause the end of the universe; manipulation of dark energy.

15. Multiverse Age

Omnipotence; unlimited power and ability; multiple universes (multiverse).