
Skills represent things your character is good at. Skills are picked up as a character progresses through his life, and reflect training and background. The skill list is open-ended. This means that ANYTHING can be a skill; it doesn't have to be on the list below. You might wish to choose flower arranging, origami, or interior decorating. The list below is simply a list of examples; feel free to add to it. Different skills may be appropriate in different settings.  A medieval fantasy setting would not feature computers, for example.

A skill is not required to attempt a task. Having ranks in a skill indicates that you have particular training in that subject; however, even if you have no ranks in piloting, you can still try to land a damaged shuttlecraft, and having no ranks in pistols does not prevent you from taking a shot at an attacking alien.

Academic Skills

literature, accounting, law, history, linguistics, art, theology, philosophy, politics, economics, geography, journalism

Artistic Skills

painting, sculpting, calligraphy, pottery, poetry, literature, film-making, photography, printmaking, modelling

Combat Skills

tactics, reactions, unarmed fighting*, pistols, rifles, bows, heavy weapons, melee weapon*, light armor, medium armor, heavy armor, powered armor, shields

Crafting Skills

appraisal, carpentry, cooking, blacksmith, basket-weaving, stone-masonry, armorer, weaponsmith

Personal Skills

perception, insight, concentration, meditation, bravery, resistance, hardy

Gaming Skills

chess, checkers, dominoes, draughts, poker, blackjack, backgammon, pool, darts

Lore Skills

herbalism, alchemy, nature, religion, heraldry, accounting, law, history, local knowledge, bureaucracy

Magical Skills

infliction, evocation, movement, compulsion, illusion, infusion, summoning, enchantment, hexes, transformation, creation, abjuration, displacement, divination, healing

Hobby Skills

brewing, fishing, gardening, hunting, riddles, sewing, ornithology

Physical Skills

climbing, swimming, jumping, carrying, running, acrobatics, zero-g, throwing

Performance Skills

acting, singing, musical instrument, dancing, mime, magic, storytelling, comedy, fortune-telling, juggling, ventriloquism

Psionic Skills

biopsionics, clairsentience, clairvoyance, ergokinesis, metapsionics, telekinesis, telepathy, teleportation

Scientific Skills

physics, astronomy, chemistry, ecology, oceanography, geology, meteorology, biology, zoology, botany, mathematics, archaeology, criminology, economics, psychology, sociology, medicine, genetics, nanotechnology, xenology, climatology

Sporting Skills

football, tennis, volleyball, cricket, baseball, basketball, rugby, bowling, dodgeball, badminton, squash, table tennis, sailing, jousting

Subterfuge Skills

cryptology, appraisal, disguise, stealth, thievery, escape artist, bribery, forgery, interrogation

Social Skills

intimidate, flirtation, carousing, negotiating, bluffing, leadership, linguistics, hypnotism

Technical Skills

computers, engineering, demolitions, electronic, robotics

Trivia Skills

movies, rock 'n roll, historical period, celebrities, astrology, theater

Vehicle Skills

piloting, riding, driving, sailing, gunnery, navigation, astrogation

Outdoor Skills

survival, animal handling, tracking, farming, mining, dungeoneering, fishing, hunting, nature

Other Skills

bureaucracy, accounting, law, history, local knowledge

Sometimes entire categories of skills are referred to instead of single skills. When this happens, the category is noted in square brackets in order to avoid confusion. For example, an entry which says [outdoor] refers to the entire list of survival, animal handling, tracking, farming, mining, and any others.

When noting a skill, you do not need to indicate categories or placeholder titles. You simply note “chess” rather than “gaming (chess)”; similarly, you simply note “pistols” or “nunchukus” rather than “ranged weapon (pistols)” or “melee weapon (nunchaku)”.

Other Skills

What Skill Levels Mean

As a general rule, 1 skill rank is proficient, 3 is considered skilled, and is roughly equal to a bachelor’s degree; 6 is an expert, and is roughly equal to a doctorate; 10 is regarded as mastery; and 15 makes you an authority on that subject. These ranks correspond to derived dice pools of 1d6, 2d6, 3d6, 4d6, and 5d6.

Einstein had a score of 15 (5d6) in physics. Miyamoto Musashi had a score of 15 (5d6) in swords. Characters with skills that high are extremely rare.

Skill Ranks Skill Level Dice Pool

1 Proficient 1d6

3 Skilled 2d6

6 Expert 3d6

10 Mastery 4d6

15 Authority 5d6