This page is the introduction to the WOIN Rules Reference Document (WRRD), and is a developer tool. If you are looking for an introduction to the game as a potential player, click here instead.
This document contains the rules in their basic form. It does not include explanations, descriptions, examples, guidelines, and all the other material that makes up the core rulebooks.
WOIN Rules Reference Document v1.2 (OGL)
This entire WOIN Rules Reference Document and the Bestiary is designated Open Gaming Content except for:
Artwork and logos.
The names WOIN, OLD, NEW, NOW, What's OLD is NEW, EN Publishing, EN World, and any product names.
Any trademarks or names of real world items, brands, or entities.
The names of characters, places, and settings.
You may freely use this material in your own publications, fan creations, tools, or websites subject to the terms of the OGL v1.0a.
WOIN Rules Reference Document v1.2 (CC)
This entire WOIN Rules Reference Document and the Bestiary is provided to you free of charge under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY-4.0) except for:
Artwork and logos.
The names WOIN, OLD, NEW, NOW, What's OLD is NEW, EN Publishing, EN World, and any product names.
Any trademarks or names of real world items, brands, or entities.
The names of characters, places, and settings.
You are free to use this content in any manner permitted by that license as long as you include the following attribution statement in your own work:
This work includes material taken from the WOIN Rules Reference Document (WRRD) by EN Publishing and available at https://www.woinrules.com, based on the What's OLD is NEW (WOIN) game system available at https://www.woinrpg.com. The WRRD is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode.
Section 5 of CC-BY-4.0 includes a Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability that limits our liability to you.
WOIN Rules Reference Document v1.2 (ORC)
ORC Notice
The WOIN Rules Reference Document is licensed under the ORC License held in the Library of Congress at TX000[number tbd] and available online at various locations including www.a5esrd.com and others. All warranties are disclaimed as set forth therein.
If you use our Licensed Material in your own published work, please credit us in your product as follows:
WOIN Rules Reference Document, © EN Publishing, www.woinrules.com; based on the What's OLD is NEW roleplaying game system by Russ Morrissey, www.woinrpg.com.
Reserved Material
Reserved Material elements in this product include:
Artwork and logos.
The names WOIN, OLD, NEW, NOW, What's OLD is NEW, EN Publishing, EN World, and any product names.
Any trademarks or names of real world items, brands, or entities.
The names of characters, places, and settings.
What This Is And What It Isn't
This document is a tool for third party developers. It can also be used as a reference tool for people playing WOIN games. However, it is not a subsitute for the actual rulebooks, and lacks much of the descriptive or contextual text which accompanies the rules. For this reason, it may be difficult to learn the rules only using this document.
Equipment and starships are found separately on the WOINGEAR website.